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Salamander’s profiles are considered by professionals to be the best on the market with over 20 years of research and testing. Their profiles as the only ones are characterized by rounded shapes on each side and do not change the color after many years of use. Please note that the other five chamber profiles are contoured only at the glass. Salamander 3D profiles, are the only that have rounded shapes on each side, which gives them a unique look. You are welcome into our showroom to see the windows with these profiles and compare them with others.

Salamander window profile design

SALAMANDER 3D Luxury 5 chamber is the highest quality profile system in class A. The depth of the frame and wing of 76 mm ensures excellent stability and thermal and acoustic insulation. Additional third system seal raises the parameters to the best among the windows. The third seal increases acoustic insulation about 5 dB! which gives twice less noise at home, compared to standard systems.

The rounded shapes give to the window a new dimension, unreachable by other profiles. Please note that the rounding are located on each side of the profile. They are produced entirely in a factory in Germany, which is reflected in the legendary quality of the Salamander. The surface is smooth and glossy and the white color is snow white, clearly brighter than the other profiles. You are welcome to our showroom to compare whiteness and surface of Salamander’s and other profiles.

Window's color design choice

SALAMANDER SL profile is an excellent choice for those who appreciate elegance and comfort. Attractive, rounded profile not only gives a room the cosines, but clearly reduces energy consumption. Cutting-edge window technology, the 5-chamber system, profiles of 76 mm and two resistance seals ensure optimal acoustic and thermal insulation. Profile’s high resistance to dirt and harmful atmospheric factors, also constitutes to the functionality and quality of Salamander’s windows. Salamander SL profiles can be used with all kinds of glazing to a width of 48 mm.

Windows profiles - look and feel in practice

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